Council of Local Authorities for

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Local Government International Exchange

Sister City Information

CLAIR provides information and resources to local governments about sister city exchange.

International Exchange Commendation

Find out more about CLAIRs efforts to support the local governments of Japan such as the International Exchange Commendation (Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Award).

Local Government Exchange and Cooperation Seminar

Find out more about the Local Government Exchange and Cooperation Seminar.

  • Local Government Exchange and Cooperation Seminar
    CLAIR invites management staff from overseas local governments, and executive-level employees from organisations responsible for promoting international exchange and cooperation to take part in the Local Government Exchange and Cooperation Seminar. The seminar provides information about the current situation faced by local governments in Japan and aims to increase mutual awareness of local governance.

Regional International Exchange Activities

Here you can find out about CLAIR’s regional international exchange activities. Local governments with similar interests meet to seek mutual understanding and possible solutions to various issues and to create cooperative relationships among themselves.

  • Japan-China-South Korea Trilateral Local Government Exchange Conference
    Japan, China, and South Korea are historically and geographically closely related, and they share unique issues. This conference was established in 1999 with the objective of promoting local government relations and cooperation and has been held every year since.
  • Japan-France Local Government Exchange Conference
    This conference was first set up in 2008 so that local governments in Japan and France with sister city relationships could meet and discuss mutual issues held by both sides. It has been held every other year since then.
For Enquiries
International Exchange Division
Tel : +81-3-5213-1723
Fax : +81-3-5213-1742
Email :
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