Support for International Cooperation Projects

CLAIR provides assistance to local governments' international cooperation efforts.
- Local Government International Cooperation Project Subsidy (Model Project)
CLAIR recognises leading international cooperation projects from local governments and local international exchange associations as “Model projects”, and proveds subsidies and promotional support to these projects.
Local Government Officials Training Programme
- Local Government Officials Training Programme (LGOTP)
CLAIR promotes independent international cooperation efforts by local governments by providing financial and logistical support when Japanese local governments receive employees from overseas local government organisations.
The Local Government International Cooperation Specialist Dispatch Project
- Local Government International Cooperation Specialist Dispatch Project
CLAIR dispatches local government international cooperation specialists to requesting overseas local governments with the purpose of contributing to their skills development, personnel training, and to promote friendly cooperative ties with Japanese local governments.
The Citizens’ International Plaza
- The Citizens' International Plaza
The Citizens’ International Plaza supports local government – NGO linking to promote internationalisation efforts including regional international cooperation and multiculturalism.