Council of Local Authorities for

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Multiculturalism Promotion

Foreign residents in Japan are integral members of their local communities. At CLAIR’s Multiculturalism Promotion Division, we support local governments and organizations in fostering inclusive, multicultural communities through information sharing, policy support, and personnel development.
Our work includes providing essential disaster response support and multilingual information, assisting in the planning and development of policies for multicultural coexistence, and offering training for Multicultural Coexistence supporters. We also promote collaboration with NGOs and NPOs to strengthen community partnerships and support the activities of regional internationalization associations, enhancing local initiatives that promote international exchange and integration. Additionally, we provide a wide range of multilingual resources to assist the international community throughout Japan.


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Multilingual Information Resources

You can find below links to multilingual information resources offering essential information for foreign residents in Japan.

  • Tool Library (CLAIR)
    This platform offers a collection of tools and resources created by local governments, international associations, and other organizations across Japan to support multicultural coexistence. You can explore and download multilingual lifestyle guidebooks, disaster preparedness guides, and educational materials.
  • Multilingual Information Resources
    Here you can find links to multilingual information resources provided by the Japanese government and other organizations, offering essential information for foreign residents in Japan. These resources cover various aspects of life in the country, as well as guidance on what to do during a natural disaster.

Information on Natural Disasters

Learn about the most common natural disasters in Japan and how evacuation centers operate by watching the video below. Please choose your preferred subtitle language in the settings.

  • Disaster Preparedness Materials (CLAIR)
    CLAIR offers essential tools to help foreign residents prepare for emergencies, as well as resources for local governments, international exchange associations, and other organizations to ensure effective communication and support during crisis situations. All tools are free to download and customize.
  • Other Information Resources on Natural Disasters
    Here you can find links to multilingual information resources provided by the Japanese government and other organizations, offering essential information to help foreign residents and visitors prepare for and respond to natural disasters in Japan, as well as safety guidelines and emergency protocols.

Consultation Services

Here you can find a list of services offering support for foreign residents in Japan, including internationalization initiatives, consultation centers, and multilingual assistance.

  • International Associations
    International Associations promote internationalization at the local level, providing services such as consultation for foreign residents, cultural events and Japanese language classes.
  • Consultation Centers
    Consultation Centers offer essential support for foreign residents in Japan, assisting with a range of issues from daily life to complex legal matters, with consultations available in various languages.
  • Other Consultation Services
    Here you can find links to multilingual consultation services provided by the Japanese government and other organizations.

The Citizens' International Plaza

image (Japanese only)

The Citizens’ International Plaza is a joint initiative between CLAIR and the Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC). It connects NGOs, NPOs, local governments, and regional international exchange associations, offering resources, consultations, and spaces for collaboration. The Plaza also promotes activities through seminars and shares news and events related to multiculturalism and international cooperation via its website and social media.

For Enquiries
Multiculturalism Promotion Division
Tel : +81-3-5213-1725
Fax : +81-3-5213-1742
Email :
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