Information on Natural Disasters
Disaster Preparedness Materials (CLAIR)
Disaster Preparedness Action Plan (My Timeline)
My Timeline is a tool designed to help foreign residents prepare for flooding emergencies by creating personalized disaster preparedness plans. Users can input their information to receive tailored guidance on essential steps to take before, during and after a flood, enhancing their safety and readiness in critical situations.
01 やさしい日本語(Easy Japanese)
02 英語(English)
03 中国語(簡体字)
04 中国語(繁体字)
05 韓国語(한국・조선어)
06 タガログ語(Tagalog)
07 ベトナム語(Tiếng Việt)
08 タイ語(ภาษาไทย)
09 インドネシア語(Bahasa Indonesia)
10 ミャンマー語(မြန်မာဘာသာ)
11 ネパール語(नेपाली भाषा)
12 スペイン語(Español)
13 ポルトガル語(Português)
14 フランス語(Français)
15 ロシア語(Русский язык)
Multilingual Pointer Board
This tool improves communication between evacuation center staff and non-Japanese speaking evacuees, enabling the exchange of essential information at evacuation sites. It helps facilitate smoother interactions and better support during emergencies.
・Board 1: Instructions for use (Japanese only) and language check
・Board 2: Designed for staff at evacuation centers
・Board 3: Intended for non-Japanese speaking evacuees
The boards are available in 14 languages, organized into three sets as follows.
・English, Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin), Korean and Filipino
PDF Format
Word Format
・Portuguese, Spanish, French, Russian, Vietnamese
PDF Format
Word Format
・Thai, Burmese, Indonesian, Nepalese
PDF Format
Word Format
Multilingual Evacuee Registration Card & FOODPICT
These tools are designed for use at evacuation centers and other facilities where foreigners may gather during a disaster. The Multilingual Evacuee Registration Card allows evacuees to clearly communicate their physical condition (such as injuries) and specific needs to responders and others, using Japanese translations and images. Additionally, CLAIR offers FOODPICT (pictograms), which display common food allergies and dietary restrictions, making it easier to indicate any foods you may be unable to eat.
01 日本語 (Japanese)
02 やさしい日本語 (Easy Japanese)
03 英語(English)
04 中国語(簡体字)
05 中国語(繁体字)
06 韓国・朝鮮語(한국・조선어)
07 タガログ語(Tagalog)
08 ベトナム語(Tiếng Việt)
09 タイ語(ภาษาไทย)
10 インドネシア語(Bahasa Indonesia)
11 ミャンマー語(မြန်မာဘာသာ)
12 ネパール語(नेपाली भाषा)
13 スペイン語(Español)
14 ポルトガル語(Português)
15 フランス語(Français)
16 ロシア語(Русский язык)
This collection of disaster relief pictograms ais available in Word format with captions in Japanese, easy Japanese, and English. They can be used to clearly communicate essential information to foreign residents during emergencies, such as directions, rules, and available services at evacuation centers and other locations.
Pictogram Homepage (Japanese only)
Multilingual Boards
This collection provides ready-to-use disaster information templates that have been shared with foreign residents during past disasters in Japan, particularly after the Great Eats Japan Earthquake. The information has been edited and generalized to make it easier for you to use. These templates are available in 15 languages, including Easy Japanese. The contents include:
- Basic Knowledge of Earthquakes and Disasters
- Information on Flooding
- Compensation and Relief Payments
- Health Management During Disasters
- Childcare During Disasters
- Volunteering
Multilingual Disaster Information Templates